Our Committees
The members of the CEnet Member Advisory Committee are appointed by the CEO.
The Committee supports the CEO by applying due diligence in the provision of services to members and providing relevant and timely advice on projects, initiatives and other matters referred to it from time to time.
The Business Applications Committee reports to the CEnet Member Advisory Committee. The Committee’s members are drawn from across the CEnet membership.
The role of the Committee is to ensure that enterprise processes (as coded into business applications) are managed in a cohesive and architected way. This includes, receiving, evaluating, prioritising and approving change requests made from within the membership and relating to enterprise applications.
Additionally, the Committee aims to establish and support the implemented enterprise architecture as a dynamic architecture; that is, one having the flexibility to evolve rapidly in response to changes in the technology and education or office environment. This involves monitoring enterprise processes for compliance with the CEnet process and application principles.
The Data Trustees Committee is a representative group and reports to the CEnet Member Advisory Committee. The Committee’s members are drawn from across the CEnet membership.
The Committee is responsible for ensuring that the needs of Member Dioceses are reflected in the planned evolution of the data warehouse and Reporting and Analytics services.
The Education Services Standing Committee reports to the CEnet Member Advisory Committee. The Committee’s members are drawn from within the CEnet membership and appointed by the CEO.
The Committee’s principal activities include:
Liaising with, and encouraging collaboration between education personnel across all members;
Identifying emerging technologies that support learning and providing advice on strategic initiatives to support learning and teaching;
Arranging meetings of eLearning personnel to review and improve CEnet services;
Supporting procurement processes related to education services;
Supporting training/professional development in CEnet education services;
Providing advice on standards relevant to education services.
The Corporate Services Standing Committee reports to the CEnet Member Advisory Committee. The Committee’s members are drawn from within the CEnet membership and appointed by the CEO.
Principal activities include:
Liaising with, and encouraging collaboration between corporate services personnel across all members;
Identifying emerging technologies that support corporate administration and provide advice on strategic initiatives to support improved business practices and administration across member dioceses;
Arranging meetings of corporate services personnel to review and improve CEnet services;
Supporting procurement processes related to corporate services;
Supporting training/professional development in CEnet corporate services;
Providing advice on standards relevant to corporate services.