CEnet is a not-for-profit Information, Communication and Learning Technology (ICLT) services organisation supporting Catholic Diocese networks that connect school communities across metropolitan, regional and rural New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.
As a member-owned, not-for-profit organisation, CEnet focuses on enhancing educational value with beneficial pricing that means services spread further and are felt by more. Our shared purpose with the schools we service is to “achieve common good for our connected Catholic communities”. Since we started we’ve been united in the belief that quality education is the right of all, and that a wide area network of internet and data services is the bedrock on which that vision depends.
Whilst sharing is key, one size never fits all. Technology is complex, as are the individual needs of schools in different dioceses, and so without sacrificing the potential for scale, we strive to deliver bespoke solutions that enable flexibility and local control for each of our unique member dioceses.
CEnet. Providing ICLT services to over 330,000 Kindergarten to Year 12 students, teachers and administrative staff across Australia.
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Our impact
An independent review compared the cost to members accessing our services with the cost of using a disaggregated ICT services model. The findings were that we make a $20M per annum difference for members on like-for-like services.
Evolving with purpose
CEnet was born when, in 2002, a joint venture called CASTnet was formed to create a wide area network supporting internet and data services for Catholic schools in the dioceses of Broken Bay, Wagga Wagga and Wollongong. The founding network grew rapidly and, in 2005, was renamed Catholic Education Network (CEnet) extending its reach of member dioceses to Canberra and Goulburn, Sydney, Lismore and Townsville. Over the decades that followed, the need for ICT services grew quickly as technology advanced and our services now connect Catholic schools across 5 states and territories.