Google Fundamentals for Admin Staff (Sessions 2-5)
Catholic Learning Online brings you Google Fundamentals for Admin Staff.
These sessions will provide Admin Staff with an opportunity for staff to engage with some of the Google Workspace for Education productivity tools. This session will be faciliatated by Chris Betcher from Google.
Session Overview
Session 2:
During this session, you will explore how to become more efficient and effective using Google Drive and some other productivity features in Google Workspace for Education. This will cover navigating Google Drive efficiently and effectively, and using Priority Drive and Shared Drives.
Session 3:
During this session, you will explore how to become more efficient and effective using Google Docs.
Session 4:
During this session, you will explore how to become more efficient and effective using Google Forms and Sheets.
Session 5:
During this session, you will explore how to become more efficient and effective using Google Sheets.